Due to my divorce I moved to Florida. On February 02, 2004 I began
working for Bank of America Washington Park Office in Hollywood, Florida as 20
hours part time teller. As per the needs of the bank I worked
as a full time teller without the benefits of the position. Unfortunately, I
was hired at an office which was going through a crisis due to management’
abuse. The assistant manager ruled the office without any professional ethics
with the purpose of intimidate the team work. This lady abused the employees,
treating them disrespectfully, cheating their time-sheet making their life
impossible until they give up their work.
The Manager was new and had no experience in banks; he relied on his
assistant taking always her side. When I asked him for help to obtain a
full-time position, he suggested me to find a waiter position in a restaurant
where I could make more money. Then he told me that what I needed was a man
that would satisfy my needs and directed me to a divorce club that his church
Later on, the unfair and appalling situations that I was experiencing
obligated me to look for a transfer to another office. It was a nightmare. I
wrote many letters to the bank’s recruits asking for help but it were
unsuccessful. By my own I found an office very close to my house, but by a
weird coincidence could not stay there. A new supervisor was hired. After
being a victim of harassment, hate, unfair acts I found out that this woman had
covered the position I left in New Jersey. She was offended when customers said they missed me. One of my
co-workers in NJ told me that this woman always complained when she hear
positive comments about me. She wanted to vacate the desk I was seating.
Unfortunately she also moved to Florida, and by a twist of fate we came to the
same office. It gives her the opportunity to take revenge on me.
I had to try hard to be a successful employee. Because everything was
posted through the computer and the tickets went directly to the
central office, managers could not prevent an employee not being recognized. I
participated at the Central Broward Recognition Event for which I was named the
new Ambassador of the bank for going above and beyond referring customers for
new accounts. I won a contest for being a
Professional Teller $500.00 cash value, gift cards and certificates.
On August 15, 2005 I started working at Cooper City as Senior Teller
with Supervisory Authority. . I continue to receive recognition,
bonuses, certificates, incentives, from the bank. On July, 2006 I verbally informed
the Assistance Manager my decision to return back to New Jersey.
On August 09, 2006, on my lunch time from work, I went to Publix
Supermarket located at the same shopping center as the bank. Being in the cash
register I slip and fell. The assistant manager came and called an ambulance, I
hurt my knee, ankle and back. Next day she asked me to come to work as soon as
possible. I was the closing employee and the bank
needed me. I was given four days for recovery.
Experiencing pain and using back supports I returned to work. The
assistant manager put lot pressure on me to prevent I build a legal case. She advised me not to think about suing the Publix supermarket; they had
strong relationship with the Bank according to her as employee of the Bank would
give a negative image to the business. When I left the hospital, a coworker had recommended me her lawyer; who
came to my house to take the case. I was intimidated by the working hours
designated by the assistant manager. She does not give time to go to
therapy. I could have only one month of
treatment, having pain I had to meet the schedule.
Eventually, I started receiving correspondence from my medical insurance
claiming that they were unable to pay any medical bills since this was an
accident, not a medical condition. The assistant manager tried to call the
supermarket to ask them for payments of medical bills but it was not
successful. Later on, by mistake the attorney had sent a letter of wage and
salary verification directly to my place of work instead to Human Resource.
This caused a hectic situation with the assistant manager that was unaware of
me having contacted an attorney. She took it upon herself to fill it out
stating that I had taken 2 days of illness and two vacations. This jeopardized my
claim with the lawyer and the case was closed. I was afraid she sends any
negative comments to New Jersey.
The work environment had changed significantly. My supervisor was the
assistant manager’s spy. My cash balancing was accurate until December 01, 2006
when cash disappear from a transfer with my supervisor.I was very aware of this
loss and asked for view cameras and do some research. I didn't have any support
from my bosses, they ignored my request. All my efforts to get the security
involved to recover the shortage were useless. A new Manager arrived at the
office and he gave me relief. He told me not to
worry by the incident since this would not come out of his Office.

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